Well, I received a call from our case manager this morning and it turns out several of the documents need to be re-done. I anticipated a couple things, but there are far more "errors" than I was hoping for. Most of them are errors on the notary part of the documents. So my advice for paperwork families is to make sure that the person notarizing your document doesn't cross out or write anything that is difficult to read.....even if they initial what has been crossed out.

As a result we unfortunately are not on the waiting list yet, but are super close. We are hoping to get all the documents that need to be revised done by next week. So, I look forward to sharing with everyone our waiting list number next week (hopefully)!
Thank you again everyone for all of your support. We were able to contribute $2000 of fund raising and personal gifts towards this portion of our adoption expense. Amazing!
I'm so sorry! We are hoping to send ours in next week too and I'm preparing myself for the "disappointment.":) Praying next week we will both have numbers!!