Saturday, May 22, 2010

He is not speaking for me....

I’ll admit that I’m a Christian and have never really liked Pat Robertson. Some of the things he says leave me embarrassed. You may have recently heard his whole rant about “Haiti made a pact with the Devil and now they got an earthquake” thing. I’ll save my response to that one for another time. Most recently, I am offended at his remarks towards adoption.

I admittedly do not watch the CBN show, but you can watch it here to see what Pat Robertson said. You may have to fast forward the first 12 minutes to reach the adoption topic and his remarks. You really should just watch it, what he says in no way is encouraging adoption, but rather he is discouraging it.

His warning about adopting a child:

"If they have demonic influences, if they have some propractor of the dark arts in their background, you never know what's going to come out of it, and you also can't tell if they've been brain damaged as a child."

Settle down there Mr. Pat Robertson.

Good work putting fear into the lives of those called to adopt.

The truth is adoption is not easy. It may be incredibly challenging for some people. You may bring a child home and find that they have emotional issues, physical conditions, or attachment and bonding problems. Yes, you may adopt a child that isn’t “perfect.”

But having a biological child is not easy. It may be incredibly challenging for some people. You may bring your child home and find that they have emotional issues, physical conditions, or attachment and bonding problems. Yes, you may have a biological child that isn’t “perfect.”

For the record God never said our lives would be perfect or easy. Things usually don’t turn out the way we anticipate or expect. But that is the beautiful part about life.

The whole concept of adoption is crucial to the Christian faith: God has adopted us as his children despite our emotional issues, physical conditions, or spiritual doubts.

Shouldn’t we do the same for the 143 million orphans in this world?

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

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